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Digital I C Applications Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 3-1

Digital I C Applications Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 3-1

Digital I C Applications


The main objectives of this course are:
• Introduction of digital logic families and interfacing ideas for digital style is taken into account. • VHDL fundamentals were mentioned to modeling the digital system style blocks. • VHDL compilers, simulators and synthesis tools ar delineated , that ar accustomed verify digital systems during a technology-independent fashion. • style and implementation of combinatory and successive digital logic circuits is explained.


At the tip of this course the coed will ready to:
• perceive the structure of commercially on the market digital computer circuit families.

• Learn the IEEE commonplace 1076 Hardware Description Language (VHDL).

• Model advanced digital systems at many levels of abstractions, behavioral, structural, simulation, synthesis and speedy system prototyping.

• Analyze and style basic digital circuits with combinatorial and successive logic circuits exploitation VHDL.



Digital Logic Families and Interfacing: Introduction to logic families, CMOS logic, CMOS steady state and dynamic electrical behavior, CMOS logic families. Bipolar logic, transistor-transistor logic, TTL families, CMOS/TTL interfacing, low voltage CMOS logic and interfacing, electrode coupled logic. (Text book-1)


Introduction to VHDL: style flow, program structure, levels of abstraction, components of VHDL: information sorts, information objects, operators and identifiers. Packages, Libraries and Bindings, Subprograms. VHDL Programming exploitation structural and information flow modeling. (Text book-2)


activity Modeling: method statement, variable assignment statement, signal assignment statement, wait statement , if statement, case statement ,null statement, loop statement, exit statement, next statement ,assertion statement, a lot of on signal assignment statement ,Inertial Delay Model, Transport Delay Model ,Creating Signal Waveforms, Signal Drivers , alternative successive Statements , Multiple Processes. Logic Synthesis, within a logic Synthesizer. (Text book-2)
III Year – I Semester
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combinatory Logic Design: Binary Adder-Subtractor, Ripple Adder, Look Ahead Carry Generator, ALU, Decoders, encoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers, parity circuits, comparators, Barrel Shifter, straightforward FloatingPoint Encoder, twin Priority Encoder, style concerns of the higher than combinatory logic circuits with relevant Digital ICs, modeling of higher than ICs exploitation VHDL. (Text book-1)


successive Logic Design: SSI Latches and flip flops, Ring Counter, Johnson Counter, style of Modulus N Synchronous Counters, Shift Registers, Universal Shift Registers, style concerns of the higher than successive logic circuits with relevant Digital ICs, modeling of higher than ICs exploitation VHDL. (Text book-1)


Synchronous and Asynchronous successive Circuits: Basic style steps: State diagram, state table, state assignment, alternative of flip flops and derivation of next state and output expressions, temporal order diagram. State assignment problem: One hot secret writing. gritty and Moore sort FSM for serial adder, VHDL code for the serial adder. Analysis of Asynchronous circuits, State Reduction, State Assignment. an entire style example: The slot machine controller. (Reference text book- 1)

Text Books:

  1. Digital style Principles & Practices – John F. Wakerly, PHI/ Pearson Education Asia, 3rd Ed., 2005.
  2. VHDL Primer – J. Bhasker, Pearson Education/ letter of the alphabet, third Edition.


  1. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design- author Brown, ZvonkoVranesic, McGrawHill, third Edition.
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