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The scholar will be capable of

• Analyze the Discrete Time Alerts and Methods

• Know the significance of FFT algorithm for computation of Discrete Fourier Rework

• Perceive the assorted implementations of digital filter constructions

• Study the FIR and IIR Filter design procedures

• Know the necessity of Multirate Processing

• Study the ideas of DSP Processors

UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Digital Sign Processing: Discrete time alerts & sequences, Classification of Discrete time techniques , stability of LTI techniques, Invertability, Response of LTI techniques to arbitrary inputs. Answer of Linear fixed coefficient distinction equations. Frequency area illustration of discrete time alerts and techniques. Overview of Z-transforms, resolution of distinction equations utilizing Z-transforms, System operate.

UNIT II DISCRETE FOURIER SERIES & FOURIER TRANSFORMS: Properties of discrete Fourier sequence, DFS illustration of periodic sequences, Discrete Fourier transforms: Properties of DFT, linear filtering strategies based mostly on DFT, Quick Fourier transforms (FFT) – Radix-2 decimation in time and decimation in frequency FFT Algorithms, Inverse FFT.

UNIT III. DESIGN OF IIR DIGITAL FILTERS& REALIZATIONS: Analog filter approximations – Butter price and Chebyshev, Design of IIR Digital filters from analog filters, Design Examples, Analog and Digital frequency transformations. Primary constructions of IIR techniques, Transposed varieties.

UNIT IV DESIGN OF FIR DIGITAL FILTERS & REALIZATIONS: Traits of FIR Digital Filters, frequency response. Design of FIR Digital Filters utilizing Window Strategies and Frequency Sampling approach, Comparability of IIR & FIR filters. Primary constructions of FIR techniques, Lattice constructions, Lattice-ladder constructions

UNIT V MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Introduction, Decimation , Interpolation Sampling fee conversion ,Implementation of sampling fee converters, Functions – Sub-band Coding of Speech Alerts ,Implementation of Digital Filter Banks, Trans-multiplexers.

UNIT VI INTRODUCTION TO DSP PROCESSORS: Introduction to programmable DSPs: Multiplier and Multiplier Accumulator, Modified bus constructions and reminiscence entry schemes in P-DSPs ,A number of Entry Reminiscence, Multiported reminiscence, VLIW structure, Pipelining, Particular addressing modes, On-Chip Peripherals. Structure of TMS320C5X: Introduction, Bus Construction, Central Arithmetic Logic Unit, Auxiliary Register ALU, Index Register, Block Transfer Handle Register, Parallel Logic Unit, Reminiscence mapped registers, program controller, some flags within the standing registers, On- chip reminiscence, On-chip peripherals.

III Yr – II Semester

L T P C Four zero zero Three


1. Digital Sign Processing, Rules, Algorithms, and Functions: John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis,Pearson Training / PHI, 2007.

2. Discrete Time Sign Processing – A.V.Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, PHI

3. Digital Sign Processors – Structure, Programming and Functions,, B.Venkataramani, M.Bhaskar, TATA McGraw Hill, 2002 4

. Digital Sign Processing – Ok Raja Rajeswari, I.Ok. Worldwide Publishing Home

Reference Books:

1. Digital Sign Processing: Andreas Antoniou, TATA McGraw Hill , 2006

2. Digital Sign Processing: MH Hayes, Schaum’s Outlines, TATA Mc-Graw Hill, 2007.

3. DSP Primer – C. Britton Rorabaugh, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

4. Fundamentals of Digital Sign Processing utilizing Matlab – Robert J. Schilling, Sandra L. Harris,Thomson, 2007.

5. Digital Sign Processing – Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, PHI Ed., 2006

6. Digital Sign Processing – Ramesh babu, Sci Tech publications OUTCOMES After going by way of this course the scholar will be capable of

• Apply the distinction equations idea within the anayziation of Discrete time techniques

• Use the FFT algorithm for fixing the DFT of a given sign

• Design a Digital filter (FIR&IIR) from the given specs

• Notice the FIR and IIR constructions from the designed digital filter.

• Use the Multirate Processing ideas in numerous purposes(eg: Design of part shifters, Interfacing of digital techniques…)

• Apply the sign processing ideas on DSP Processor.

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