by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Network Analysis
Introduction to Electrical Circuits : Network parts classification, charge and current, electrical energy and potential, Resistance parameter – series and parallel combination, Inductance parameter – series and parallel combination, Capacitance parameter – series and parallel combination. Energy sources: Ideal, Non-ideal, freelance and dependent sources, supply transformation, Kirchoff’s laws, Mesh analysis and Nodal analysis downside determination with resistances solely as well as dependent sources conjointly. (Text Books: one,2,3, Reference Books: 3) A.C Fundamentals and Network Topology: Definitions of terms related to periodic functions: period of time, Angular rate and frequency, RMS value, Average price, type issue and peak factor- downside determination, point in time, Phasor illustration, Addition and subtraction of phasors, mathematical illustration of curving quantities, clarification with relevant theory, downside determination. Principal of Duality with examples. Network Topology: Definitions of branch, node, tree, planar, non-planar graph, incidence matrix, basic tie set schedule, basic cut set schedule. (Text Books: two,3, Reference Books: 3)
Steady State Analysis of A.C Circuits : Response to curving excitation – pure resistance, pure inductance, pure capacitance, electric resistance construct, point in time, series R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits downside determination. advanced electric resistance and phasor notation for R-L, R-C, R-L-C downside determination victimization mesh and nodal analysis, Star-Delta conversion, downside determination. (Text Books: one,2, Reference Books: 3)
Coupled Circuits : Coupled Circuits: Self inductance, coefficient, constant of coupling, analysis of coupled circuits, Natural current, Dot rule of coupled circuits, Conductively coupled equivalent circuits- downside determination. Resonance: Introduction, Definition of letter, Series resonance, information measure of series resonance, Parallel resonance, Condition for max electric resistance, current in opposed resonance, information measure of parallel resonance, general case- resistance gift in each branches, opposed resonance in any respect frequencies. (Text Books:2,3, Reference Books: 3)
Network Theorems: Thevinin’s, Norton’s, Milliman’s, Reciprocity, Compensation, Substitution, Superposition, goop Power Transfer, Tellegens- downside determination victimization dependent sources conjointly. (Text Books: one,2,3, Reference Books: 2)
Two-port networks : Relationship of 2 port networks, Z-parameters, Y-parameters, cable parameters, h-parameters, Inverse h-parameters, Inverse cable parameters, Relationship between parameter sets, Parallel association of 2 port networks, Cascading of 2 port networks, series association of 2 port networks, downside determination as well as dependent sources conjointly. (Text Books: one,2, Reference Books: one,3)
II Year – I Semester
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Transients : 1st order differential equations, Definition of your time constants, R-L circuit, R-C circuit with DC excitation, Evaluating initial conditions procedure, second order differential equations, unvaried, nonhomogenous, downside determination victimization R-L-C parts with DC excitation and AC excitation, Response as associated with s-plane rotation of roots. Solutions victimization Marquis de Laplace remodel methodology. (Text Books: one,2,3, Reference Books: one,3)
one. Network Analysis – ME Van Valkenburg, beginner Hall of Asian country, third Edition, 2000. 2. Network Analysis by K.Satya Prasad and S Sivanagaraju, Cengage Learning three. circuit Analysis by Hayt and Kimmarle, TMH
one. Network lines and Fields by John. D. Ryder ordinal edition, Asia firm. 2. Basic Circuit Analysis by DR Cunninghan, Jaico Publishers. 3. Network Analysis and Filter style by Chadha, Umesh Publications.
- to grasp the essential ideas on RLC circuits. 2. to grasp the behavior of the steady states and transients states in RLC circuits. 3. to grasp the essential Marquis de Laplace transforms techniques in periods’ waveforms. 4. to grasp the 2 port network parameters. 5. to grasp the properties of LC networks and filters.
COUSE OUTCOME: - gain the data on basic network parts. 2. can analyze the RLC circuits behavior in elaborate. 3. analyze the performance of periodic waveforms. 4. gain the data in characteristics of 2 port network parameters (Z, Y, ABCD, h & g). 5. analyze the filter style ideas in globe applications.
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by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Micro Processors and Micro controllers(MPMC)
JntukMaterials is a online platform foe e-learning content where students can download materials from our site.Here you can download Micro Processors and Micro controllers(MPMC) 3-2 eee Jntuk R16
by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Micro Processors & Micro Controllers
JntukMaterials Micro Processors & Micro Controllers 3-2 ECE Materials can be downloaded from our site. jntukmaterials
by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
• To introduce the scholars to the topics and techniques of separate ways and
combinatorial reasoning.
• To introduce a large style of applications. The recursive approach to the answer of
problems is prime in separate arithmetic, and this approach reinforces the shut
ties between this discipline and also the space of engineering.
Mathematical Logic: Propositional Calculus: Statements and Notations, Connectives, Well
Formed Formulas, Truth Tables, Tautologies, Equivalence of Formulas, Duality Law,
Tautological Implications, traditional Forms, Theory of logical thinking for Statement Calculus,
Consistency of Premises, Indirect methodology of Proof. Predicate Calculus:Predicative Logic,
Statement Functions, Variables and Quantifiers, Free and certain Variables, logical thinking Theory for
Predicate Calculus.
Set Theory: Introduction, Operations on Binary Sets, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion,
Relations: Properties of Binary Relations, Relation Matrix and alphabetic character, Operations on Relations,
Partition and Covering, transitive Closure, Equivalence, Compatibility and Partial Ordering
Relations, Hasse Diagrams, Functions: Bijective Functions, Composition of Functions, Inverse
Functions, Permutation Functions, algorithmic Functions, Lattice and its Properties.
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Algebraic Structures and variety Theory: pure mathematics Structures:Algebraic Systems,
Examples, General Properties, Semi teams and Monoids, similarity of Semi teams and
Monoids, Group, Subgroup, Abelian group, similarity, isomorphy, Number
Theory:Properties of Integers, Division Theorem, the best common measure, Euclidean
Algorithm, Least integer, Testing for Prime Numbers, the elemental Theorem of
Arithmetic, standard Arithmetic (Fermat’s Theorem and Euler’s Theorem)
Combinatorics: Basic of numeration, Permutations, Permutations with Repetitions, Circular
Permutations, Restricted Permutations, mixtures, Restricted mixtures, Generating
Functions of Permutations and mixtures, Binomial and Multinomial Coefficients, Binomial
and Multinomial Theorems, The Principles of Inclusion–Exclusion, Pigeonhole Principle and its
II Year – I Semester
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Recurrence Relations: Generating Functions, operate of Sequences, Partial Fractions,
Calculating constant of Generating Functions, return Relations, Formulation as
Recurrence Relations, determination return Relations by Substitution and Generating Functions,
Method of Characteristic Roots, determination nonuniform return Relations
Graph Theory: Basic ideas of Graphs, Sub graphs, Matrix illustration of Graphs:
Adjacency Matrices, Incidence Matrices, similarity Graphs, methods and Circuits, Eulerian and
Hamiltonian Graphs, Multigraphs, tabular Graphs, Euler’s Formula, Graph Colouring and
Covering, Chromatic variety, Spanning Trees, Algorithms for Spanning Trees (Problems solely
and Theorems while not Proofs).
• Student are going to be ready to demonstrate skills in determination mathematical issues
• Student are going to be ready to comprehend mathematical principles and logic
• Student are going to be ready to demonstrate data of mathematical modeling and
proficiency in victimization mathematical computer code
• Student are going to be ready to manipulate and analyze information numerically and/or diagrammatically victimization
appropriate computer code
• Student are going to be ready to communicate effectively mathematical ideas/results verbally or in
1.Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to engineering, J. P. Tremblay
and P. Manohar, Tata McGraw Hill.
- components of separate Mathematics-A laptop orientating Approach, C. L. Liu and D. P.
Mohapatra, 3rdEdition, Tata McGraw Hill. - separate arithmetic and its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph Theory, K. H.
Rosen, seventh Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
REFERENCE BOOKS: - separate arithmetic for laptop Scientists and Mathematicians, J. L. Mott, A. Kandel,
T.P. Baker, second Edition, novice Hall of India. - separate Mathematical Structures, BernandKolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon dealer
Ross, PHI. - separate arithmetic, S. K. Chakraborthy and B.K. Sarkar, Oxford, 2011.
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by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Metallurgy & Materials Science
Course Objective:
to grasp the essential fundamentals of fabric science and Physical science. the essential ideas to be schooled can facilitate for the advance, correct choice and effective utilization of materials that are crucial to satisfy the ever increasing demands of the society.
Learning Objectives: to understand the essential ideas of bonds in metals and alloys. to grasp the essential needs for the formation of solid solutions and different compounds. Structure of Metals and Constitution of alloys: Bonds in Solids – chemical bond – crystallization of metals, grain and grain boundaries, the impact of grain boundaries on the properties of metal/alloys – determination of grain size. The necessity of alloying, kinds of solid solutions, Hume Rothery rules, intermediate alloy phases, and negatron compounds.
Learning objectives: to grasp the regions of stability of the phases that may occur in the AN alloy system so as to resolve the issues in sensible science. Equilibrium Diagrams: Experimental strategies of construction of equilibrium diagrams, similarity alloy systems, equilibrium cooling and heating of alloys, Lever rule, coring miscibility gaps, mixture systems, congruent melting intermediate phases, peritectic reaction. Transformations within the solid state – allotropism, eutectoid, peritectoid reactions, phase rule, the relationship between equilibrium diagrams and properties of alloys. Study of necessary binary section diagrams of Cu-Ni-, Al-Cu, Bi-Cd, and Fe-Fe3C.
Learning objectives: to review the essential variations between solid irons and steels, their properties and sensible applications. solid Irons and Steels: Structure and properties of White forged iron, Malleable forged iron, gray forged iron, rounded carbon forged iron, Alloy solid irons. Classification of steels, structure, and properties of plain carbon steels, Low alloy steels, Hadfield Mn steels, tool and die steels.
Learning objectives: to review the have an effect on of varied alloying components on the iron-iron inorganic compound system. to grasp the varied heat treatment and strengthening processes utilized in sensible applications. Heat treatment of Alloys: impact of alloying components on Fe-Fe3C system, Annealing, normalizing, hardening, TTT diagrams, tempering, hardenability, surface – hardening strategies, Age hardening treatment, refrigerant treatment of alloys.
Learning objectives: to review the properties and applications of wide used non-ferrous metals and alloys thus on the use the acceptable material for sensible applications.
Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys: Structure and properties of Copper and its alloys, atomic number 13 and its alloys, atomic number 22 and its alloys.
II Year – I Semester
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Learning objectives: to review the properties and applications of ceramic, composite and different advanced materials thus on the use the acceptable material for sensible applications. Ceramic and composite materials: Crystalline ceramics, glasses, cermets, abrasive materials, nanomaterials – definition, properties and applications of the higher than.
Classification of composites, numerous strategies of element manufacture of composites, particle – bolstered materials, fiber bolstered materials, metal ceramic mixtures, metal – matrix composites and C – C composites.
Text Books:
- Introduction to Physical science – Sir Philip Sidney H. Avener – McGrawHill a pair of. Essential of Materials science and engineering – Donald R.Askeland – Cengage.
References :
- Material Science and science – Dr. V.D.Kodgire. 2. Materials Science and engineering – Callister & Baalasubrahmanyam three. Material Science for Engineering students – Fischer – Elsevier Publishers four. Material science and Engineering – V. Rahghavan five. Introduction to Material Science and Engineering – Yip-Wah Chung CRC Press half-dozen. Material Science and science – A V K Suryanarayana – B S Publications seven. Material Science and science – U. C. Jindal – Pearson Publications