by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Course Objectives:
• the educational objectives of this paper is to know the thought and nature of social control social science and its relationship with alternative disciplines and additionally to know the thought of Demand and Demand foretelling, Production perform, Input Output relationship, Cost-Output relationship and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
• to know the character of markets, ways of evaluation within the totally different market structures and to grasp the various kinds of enterprise and also the thought of Business Cycles.
• to find out totally different Accounting Systems, preparation of economic Statement and uses of various tools for performance analysis. Finally, it’s additionally to know the thought of Capital, Capital Budgeting and also the techniques accustomed assess Capital Budgeting proposals.
Introduction to social control social science and demand Analysis: Definition of social control social science –Scope of social control social science and its relationship with alternative subjects – thought of Demand, sorts of Demand, Determinants of Demand- Demand schedule, Demand curve, Law of Demand and its limitations- physical property of Demand, sorts of physical property of Demand and Measurement- Demand foretelling and ways of foretelling, thought of offer and Law of offer.
Production price|and price|and value} Analysis: thought of Production perform- Cobb-Douglas Production function- economist production function – Law of Variable proportions-Isoquants and Isocosts and selection of least value issue combination-Concepts of Returns to scale and Economies of scale-Different cost concepts: chance prices, express and implicit prices- fastened costs, Variable prices and Total prices –Cost –Volume-Profit analysis-Determination of Breakeven purpose(simple problems)-Managerial significance and limitations of Breakeven point.
Introduction to Markets, Theories of the Firm Policies: Market Structures: excellent Competition, Monopoly, noncompetitive competition and market – options – worth and Output Determination – social control Theories of firm: Marris and Williamson’s models – alternative ways of Pricing: cost evaluation, Limit evaluation, Market Skimming evaluation, net evaluation: (Flat Rate Pricing, Usage sensitive pricing) and Priority evaluation.
sorts of enterprise and Business Cycles: options and analysis of Sole merchandiser, Partnership, Joint Stock Company – State/Public Enterprises and their forms – fluctuations : which means and options – Phases of a Business Cycle.
Introduction to Accounting Analysis: Introduction to double-entry bookkeeping Systems – Preparation of economic Statements-Analysis and Interpretation of economic Statements-Ratio Analysis – Preparation of Funds flow and income statements (Simple Problems)
II Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3
Capital and Capital Budgeting: Capital Budgeting: which means of Capital-Capitalization-Meaning of Capital Budgeting-Time worth of money- ways of critical Project profitability: ancient Methods(pay back amount, accounting rate of return) and trendy methodologys(Discounted income method, internet gift worth methodology, Internal Rate of come methodology and gain Index)
Course Outcome:
*The Learner is provided with the data of estimating the Demand and demand elasticities for a product and also the data of understanding of the Input-Output-Cost relationships and estimation of the smallest amount value combination of inputs.
- One is additionally able to perceive the character of {various} markets and worth Output determination underneath various market conditions and also to possess the data of various Business Units.
*The Learner is in a position to arrange monetary Statements and also the usage numerous|of varied|of assorted} Accounting tools for Analysis and to guage various investment project proposals with the assistance of capital budgeting techniques for higher cognitive process.
- Dr. N. AppaRao, Dr. P. Vijay Kumar: ‘Managerial social science and monetary Analysis’, Cengage Publications, national capital – two011
- Dr. A. R. Aryasri – social control social science and monetary Analysis, TMH 2011
- Prof. J.V.Prabhakararao, Prof. P. Venkatarao. ‘Managerial social science and monetary Analysis’, Ravindra Publication.
1.Dr. B. Kuberudu and Dr. T. V. Ramana: social control social science Analysis, Himalaya business firm, 2014. - V. Maheswari: social control social science, grand Turk Chand.2014
- Suma Damodaran: social control social science, Oxford 2011.
- Vanitha Agarwal: social control social science, Pearson Publications 2011.
- Sanjay Dhameja: monetary Accounting for Managers, Pearson.
- Maheswari: monetary Accounting, Vikas Publications.
- S. A. Siddiqui& A. S. Siddiqui: social control social science and monetary Analysis, New Age International Publishers, 2012
- Ramesh Singh, Indian Economy, 7th Edn., TMH2015
- Pankaj Tandon A Text Book of political economy Theory, Sage Publishers, 2015
- Shailaja Gajjala and Usha Munipalle, Universities press, 2015
by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Course Objectives:
• the educational objectives of this paper is to grasp the idea and nature of social control political economy and its relationship with alternative disciplines and conjointly to grasp the idea of Demand and Demand statement, Production operate, Input Output relationship, Cost-Output relationship and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
• to grasp the character of markets, ways of evaluation within the completely different market structures and to grasp the various kinds of business organisation and therefore the idea of Business Cycles.
• to find out completely different Accounting Systems, preparation of economic Statement and uses of various tools for performance analysis. Finally, it’s conjointly to grasp the idea of Capital, Capital Budgeting and therefore the techniques wont to appraise Capital Budgeting proposals.
Introduction to social control political economy and demand Analysis: Definition of social control political economy –Scope of social control political economy and its relationship with alternative subjects – idea of Demand, forms of Demand, Determinants of Demand- Demand schedule, Demand curve, Law of Demand and its limitations- snap of Demand, forms of snap of Demand and Measurement- Demand statement and ways of statement..
Production value|and price|and value} Analyses: idea of Production operate- Cobb-Douglas Production function- Leontief production function – Law of Variable proportions-Isoquants and Isocosts and selection of least value issue combination-Concepts of Returns to scale and Economies of scale-Different cost concepts: chance prices, express and implicit prices- fastened costs, Variable prices and Total prices –Cost –Volume-Profit analysis-Determination of Breakeven purpose(simple problems)Managerial significance and limitations of Breakeven point.
Introduction to Markets, Theories of the Firm Policies: Market Structures: excellent Competition, Monopoly, noncompetitive competition and market – options – worth and Output Determination – social control Theories of firm: Marris and Williamson’s models – alternative ways of Pricing: cost evaluation, Limit evaluation, Market Skimming evaluation, net evaluation: Flat Rate Pricing, Usage sensitive evaluation and Priority evaluation.
forms of business organisation and Business Cycles: options and analysis of Sole dealer, Partnership, Joint Stock Company – State/Public Enterprises and their forms – fluctuations : that means and options – Phases of Business Cycle.
Introduction to Accounting Analysis: Introduction to bookkeeping Systems – Preparation of economic Statements-Analysis and Interpretation of economic Statements-Ratio Analysis – Preparation of Funds flow and income statements (Simple Problems)
II Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3
MANAGERIAL political economy AND monetary ANALYSIS
Capital and Capital Budgeting: Capital Budgeting: that means of Capital-Capitalization-Meaning of Capital Budgeting-Time price of money- ways of critical Project profitability: ancient Methods(pay back amount, accounting rate of return) and fashionable methodologys(Discounted income method, web gift price methodology, Internal Rate of come methodology and gain Index)
Course Outcome:
*The Learner is supplied with the data of estimating the Demand and demand elasticities for a product and therefore the data of understanding of the Input-Output-Cost relationships and estimation of the smallest amount value combination of inputs.
* One {is conjointly|is additionally} able to perceive the character numerous} markets and worth Output determination beneath various market conditions and also to own the data of various Business Units.
*The Learner is ready to arrange monetary Statements and therefore the usage varied|of varied|of assorted} Accounting tools for Analysis and to guage various investment project proposals with the assistance of capital budgeting techniques for higher cognitive process.
one. Dr. N. AppaRao, Dr. P. Vijay Kumar: ‘Managerial political economy and monetary Analysis’, Cengage Publications, New Delhi – a pair of011 2. Dr. A. R. Aryasri – social control political economy and monetary Analysis, TMH 2011 3. Prof. J.V.Prabhakararao, Prof. P. Venkatarao. ‘Managerial political economy and monetary Analysis’, Ravindra Publication.
- Dr. B. Kuberudu and Dr. T. V. Ramana: social control political economy Analysis, Himalaya business firm, 2014.
- V. Maheswari: social control political economy, grand Turk Chand.2014
- Suma Damodaran: social control political economy, Oxford 2011.
- VanithaAgarwal: social control political economy, Pearson Publications 2011.
- Sanjay Dhameja: monetary Accounting for Managers, Pearson.
- Maheswari: monetary Accounting, Vikas Publications.
- S. A. Siddiqui& A. S. Siddiqui: social control political economy and monetary Analysis, New Age International Publishers, 2012
- Ramesh Singh, Indian Economy, 7th Edn., TMH2015
- Pankaj Tandon A Text Book of economics Theory, Sage Publishers, 2015
- Shailaja Gajjala and Usha Munipalle, Univerties press, 2015
by Rishi | Jun 4, 2019 | Jntuk lecture notes
Management Science
Course Objectives:
*To familiarize with the process of management and to provide basic insight into select
contemporary management practices
*To provide conceptual knowledge on functional management and strategic management.
Introduction to Management: Concept –nature and importance of Management –Generic
Functions of Management – Evaluation of Management thought- Theories of Motivation –
Decision making process-Designing organization structure- Principles of organization –
Organizational typology- International Management: Global Leadership and Organizational
behavior Effectiveness(GLOBE) structure
Operations Management: Principles and Types of Management – Work study- Statistical
Quality Control- Control charts (P-chart, R-chart, and C-chart) Simple problems- Material
Management: Need for Inventory control- EOQ, ABC analysis (simple problems) and Types of
ABC analysis (HML, SDE, VED, and FSN analysis).
Functional Management: Concept of HRM, HRD and PMIR- Functions of HR Manager- Wage
payment plans(Simple Problems) – Job Evaluation and Merit Rating – Marketing ManagementFunctions of Marketing – Marketing strategies based on product Life Cycle, Channels of
distributions. Operationlizing change through performance management.
Project Management: (PERT/CPM): Development of Network – Difference between PERT and
CPM Identifying Critical Path- Probability- Project Crashing (Simple Problems)
Unit V
Strategic Management: Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy – Elements of Corporate Planning
Process – Environmental Scanning – SWOT analysis- Steps in Strategy Formulation and
Implementation, Generic Strategy Alternatives. Global strategies, theories of Multinational
Contemporary Management Practice: Basic concepts of MIS, MRP, Justin- Time(JIT) system,
Total Quality Management(TQM), Six sigma and Capability Maturity Model(CMM) Levies,
Supply Chain Management , Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Process outsourcing
(BPO), Business process Re-engineering and Bench Marking, Balanced Score Card.
IV Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3
Course Outcome:
*After completion of the Course the student will acquire the knowledge on management
functions, global leadership and organizational behavior.
*Will familiarize with the concepts of functional management project management and
strategic management.
Text Books
- Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar & Dr. N. Appa Rao, ‘Management Science’ Cengage, Delhi, 2012.
- Dr. A. R. Aryasri, Management Science’ TMH 2011.
References: - Koontz & Weihrich: ‘Essentials of management’ TMH 2011
- Seth & Rastogi: Global Management Systems, Cengage learning , Delhi, 2011
- Robbins: Organizational Behaviour, Pearson publications, 2011
- Kanishka Bedi: Production & Operations Management, Oxford Publications, 2011
- Philip Kotler & Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, Pearson publications
- Biswajit Patnaik: Human Resource Management, PHI, 2011
- Hitt and Vijaya Kumar: Starategic Management, Cengage learning
- Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Trinity Press(An imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt.
Ltd.) Delhi 2015. - Anil Bhat& Arya Kumar : Principles of Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,