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Machine Drawing Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Machine Drawing Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Machine Drawing

Course Objective:

The scholar can acquire data of fastening arrangements like attachment, absorbing the various sorts of attachment for shaft. the scholar is also enabled to organize the assembly of assorted machine or engine parts and miscellaneous machine parts.
Machine Drawing Conventions :
Need for drawing conventions – introduction to IS conventions
a) typical illustration of materials, common machine components and components such asscrews, nuts, bolts, keys, gears, webs, ribs.
b) kinds of sections – choice of section planes and drawing of sections and auxiliary sectional views. components not sometimes divided.
c) ways of orienting , general rules for sizes and placement of dimensions for holes, centers, sinuate and tapered options.
d) Title boxes, their size, location and details – common abbreviations & their liberal usage
e) kinds of Drawings – operating drawings for machine components.


I. Drawing of Machine components and easy components

Objective: to supply basic understanding and drawing apply of assorted joint, straightforward mechanical components
Selection of Views, further views for the subsequent machine components and components with each drawing proportions.
a) common varieties of Screw threads, bolts, nuts, stud bolts, tap bolts, set screws.
b) Keys, cotter joints and knuckle joint.
c) Riveted joints for plates
d) Shaft coupling, spigot and socket pipe joint.
e) Journal, pivot and collar and foot step bearings.

II Year – II Semester
3 3 0 3


II. Assembly Drawings: Objective: the scholar are going to be able to draw the assembly from the individual half drawing.
Drawings of assembled views for the half drawings of the subsequent exploitation conventions and simple drawing proportions.
a) Engine components –Gear pump, Fuel pump gasolene Engine rod, piston assembly.
b) alternative machine components – Screws jacks, Machine Vices Plummer block, Tailstock.
c) Valves: spring loaded relief valve, feed check valve and air cock, management valves
NOTE : initial angle projection to be adopted. the scholar ought to be able to give operating drawings of actual components. finish semester examination for seventy Marks, half A- twenty Marks (Answer 2 queries out of Three), half B- fifty Marks (Assembly Drawing).

Text Books:

  1. Machine Drawing – N.Siddeswar, K.Kannaiah & V.V.S.Sastry – TMH
  2. Machine Drawing –K.L.Narayana, P.Kannaiah & K. Venkata Reddy / New Age/ Publishers


  1. Machine Drawing – P.S.Gill,
  2. Machine Drawing – Luzzader
  3. Machine Drawing – Rajput
  4. Machine Drawing – N.D. Junnarkar, Pearson
  5. Machine Drawing – Ajeeth Singh, John McGraw Hill half dozen.
  6. Machine Drawing – rate John, PHI
  7. Machine Drawing – B Battacharya, Oxford
  8. Machine Drawing – Gowtham and Gowtham, Pearson
Linear I C Applications Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 3-1

Linear I C Applications Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 3-1

Linear I C Applications


• to know the fundamental operation &performance parameters of differential amplifiers.

• to know & learn the activity techniques of performance parameters of OP-AMP

• to be told the linear and non-linear applications of operational amplifiers.

• to know the analysis of various styles of active filters exploitation opamps

• to be told the inner structure, operation and applications of various analog ICs

• to amass skills needed for coming up with and testing integrated circuits


INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: Differential Amplifier- DC and AC analysis of twin input Balanced output Configuration, Properties of alternative differential electronic equipment configuration (Dual Input Unbalanced Output, Single all over Input – Balanced/ Unbalanced Output), DC Coupling and Cascade Differential electronic equipment Stages, Level translator.


Characteristics of OP-Amps, Integrated circuits-Types, Classification, Package sorts and Temperature ranges, Power provides, Op-amp diagram, ideal and sensible Op-amp Specifications, DC and AC characteristics, 741 op-amp & its options, Op-Amp parameters , Input & Out suspend set voltages & currents, slew rate, CMRR, PSRR, drift, Frequency Compensation techniques.


LINEAR and NON-LINEAR APPLICATIONS OF OP-AMPS: Inverting and Non-inverting electronic equipment, measuring device and individual, distinction electronic equipment, Instrumentation electronic equipment, AC electronic equipment, V to I, I to V converters, Buffers. Non- Linear perform generation, Comparators, Multivibrators, Triangular and sq. wave generators, Log and opposing log Amplifiers, exactness rectifiers.


ACTIVE FILTERS, ANALOG MULTIPLIERS AND MODULATORS: style & Analysis of Butterworth active filters – first order, 2d order LPF, HPF filters. Band pass, Band reject and every one pass filters. Four Quadrant multiplier factor, IC 1496, Sample & Hold circuits.


TIMERS fastened LOOPS: Introduction to 555 timer, purposeful diagram, Monostable and Astable operations and applications, Schmitt Trigger; PLL – introduction, block schematic, principles and outline of individual blocks, 565 PLL, Applications of PLL – frequency multiplication, frequency translation, AM, FM & FSK demodulators. Applications of VCO (566).


DIGITAL TO ANALOG AND ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTERS: Introduction, basic DAC techniques, weighted resistance DAC, R-2R ladder DAC, inverted R-2R DAC, and IC 1408 DAC, kinds|differing types|differing kinds} of ADCs – parallel Comparator type ADC, counter kind ADC, consecutive approximation ADC and twin slope ADC.DAC and ADC Specifications, Specifications AD 574 (12 bit ADC).

III Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3


one. Linear Integrated Circuits – D. Roy Choudhury, New Age International (p) Ltd, 2d Edition,2003.

2. Op-Amps & Linear ICs – Ramakanth A. Gayakwad, PHI,1987.

3. Operational Amplifiers–C.G. Clayton, Butterworth & Company Publ. Ltd./Elsevier, 1971


  1. Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits –Sanjay Sharma ;SK Kataria &Sons;2nd Edition,2010
  2. style with Operational Amplifiers & Analog Integrated Circuits – Sergio Francisco Franco, handler Hill, 1988.
  3. OP AMPS and Linear Integrated Circuits ideas and Applications, James M Fiore, Cenage Learning India Ltd.
  4. Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits–R.F.Coughlin & Fredrick Driscoll, PHI, sixth Edition.
  5. Operational Amplifiers & Linear ICs – David A Bell, Oxford Uni. Press, third Edition


• style circuits exploitation operational amplifiers for numerous applications.

• Analyze and style amplifiers and active filters exploitation Op-amp.

• Diagnose and furbish up linear electronic circuits.

• perceive the gain-bandwidth thought and frequency response of the electronic equipment configurations.

• perceive completely the operational amplifiers with linear integrated circuits.

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Kinematics of Machinery Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Kinematics of Machinery Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Kinematics of Machinery


The scholars finishing this course square measure expected to grasp the character and role of the mechanics of machinery, the mechanisms and machines. The course includes speed and acceleration diagrams, analysis of mechanisms joints, Cams and their applications. It exposes the scholars to varied forms of power transmission devices like belt, rope , chain and equipment drives and their operating principles and their deserves and demerits.


Objective: the target of this unit is to form student perceive the aim of mechanics, Kinematic joint and mechanism and to check the relative motion of elements in a very machine while not taking into thought the forces concerned. MECHANISMS : parts or Links – Classification – Rigid Link, versatile and fluid link – forms of kinematic pairs – slippery , turning, rolling, screw and spherical pairs – lower and better pairs – closed and open pairs – unnatural motion – utterly, part or with success unnatural and incompletely unnatural . Grublers criterion , Grashoff’s law , Degrees of freedom, Kutzbach criterion for placoid mechanisms, Mechanism and machines – classification of machines – kinematic chain – inversion of mechanism – inversion of mechanism – inversions of curve cycle, chain – single and double slider crank chains.


Objective: the target of this unit is to form student perceive numerous mechanisms for line motion and their applications as well as mechanism. LOWER combine MECHANISM: precise and approximate copiers and generated sorts – Peaucellier, Hart and Scott Russel – Grasshopper – Watt T. Chebicheff and Henry M. Robert Mechanisms and line motion, Pantograph. Conditions for proper steering – Davis gear, Ackermans gear – speed ratio; Hooke’s Joint: Single and double – Universal coupling–application–problems.


Objective : the target of this unit is to form student perceive the speed and acceleration ideas and therefore the methodology mistreatment graphical strategies and principles and application of 4 bar chain. to grasp the appliance of slider crank mechanism etc. and study of plane motion of the body KINEMATICS: speed and acceleration – Motion of a link in machine – Determination of speed and acceleration diagrams – Graphical methodology – Application of relative speed methodology four bar chain. speed and acceleration analysis of for a given mechanism, Kleins construction, Coriolis acceleration, determination of Coriolis element of acceleration.
Plane motion of body: fast centre of rotation, centroids and axodes – relative motion between 2 bodies – 3 centres in line theorem – Graphical determination of fast centre, diagrams for straightforward mechanisms and determination of angular speed of points and links.

II Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3


Objective: the target of this unit is to form student perceive the theories concerned in cams. any the scholars square measure exposed to the applications of cams and their operating principles. CAMS Definitions of cam and followers – their uses – forms of followers and cams – language –Types of follower motion: Uniform speed, easy periodic motion and uniform acceleration and retardation. most speed and most acceleration throughout outward and come strokes within the higher than three cases. Analysis of motion of followers: Roller follower – circular cam with straight, saclike and protrusive flanks.


Objective: the target of this unit is to form student perceive gears, power transmission through differing types of gears as well as gear profiles and its potency. GEARS Higher pairs, friction wheels and toothed gears–types – law of train, condition for constant speed quantitative relation for transmission of motion, type of teeth: rounded and involute profiles. speed of slippery – phenomena of interferences – strategies of interference. Condition for minimum variety of teeth to avoid interference, expressions for arc of contact and path of contact – Introduction to coiled, Bevel and worm train.


Objective: the target of this unit is to form student perceive numerous power transmission mechanisms and methodologies and dealing principles. Students square measure exposed to deserves and demerits of every drive.
Power Transmissions : Introduction, Belt and twine drives, choice of belt drive- forms of belt drives,V-belts, materials used for belt and twine drives, speed quantitative relation of belt drives, slip of belt, creep of belt, tensions for flat belt drive, angle of contact, centrifugal tension, most tension of belt, Chains- length, angular speed quantitative relation, classification of chains.
Introduction to gear Trains, Train worth, sorts – easy and reverted wheel train – cogwheel Train. strategies of finding train worth or speed quantitative relation – cogwheel trains. choice of substances box-Differential gear for associate automobile.

Text Books:

  1. Mechanism and Machine Theory by Ashok G. Ambekar, letter Publishers two. Theory of Machines – S. S Rattan- TMH three. Theory of machines and Mechanisms – J.J Uicker, G.R.Pennock & J.E.Shigley – Oxford publishers.


1. Theory of Machines saddhu Singh, Pearsons Edn
2. Theory of machines and Machinery /Vickers /Oxford .
3. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan/ CBS
4. mechanics of Machinery through Hyper Works – J.S. Rao – Springer Publ
5. Theory of Mechanisms and machines – A.Ghosh & A.K.Malik – East West Press Pvt. Ltd.

Java Programming Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 2-2

Java Programming Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 2-2

Java Programming


• Understanding the OOP’s ideas, categories and objects, threads, files, applets, swings and act.

• This course introduces programing mistreatment the JAVA programing language with object-oriented programming principles.

• stress is placed on event-driven programming strategies, as well as making and manipulating objects, classes, and mistreatment Java for network level programming and middleware development


Introduction to OOP, procedural programing language and object familiarised language, principles of OOP, applications of OOP, history of java, java options, JVM, program structure. Variables, primitive knowledge varieties, identifiers, literals, operators, expressions, precedence rules and associativity, primitive sort conversion and casting, flow of management.


categories and objects, category declaration, making objects, methods, creators and constructor overloading, garbage man, importance of static keyword and examples, this keyword, arrays, instruction arguments, nested categories.


Inheritance, varieties of inheritance, super keyword, final keyword, predominate and abstract category. Interfaces, making the packages, mistreatment packages, importance of CLASSPATH and java.lang package. Exception handling, importance of strive, catch, throw, throws and at last block, userdefined exceptions, Assertions.


Multithreading: introduction, thread life cycle, creation of threads, thread priorities, thread synchronization, communication between threads. Reading knowledge from files and writing knowledge to files, random access file,


application category, application structure, application life cycle, sample application programs. Event handling: event delegation model, sources of event, Event Listeners, adapter categories, inner categories.

II Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3


AWT: introduction, elements and containers, Button, Label, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, List Boxes, selection Boxes, instrumentation category, Layouts, Menu and Scrollbar.


• perceive Java programming ideas and utilize Java Graphical program in Program writing.

• Write, compile, execute and troubleshoot Java programming for networking ideas.

• Build Java Application for distributed setting. • style and Develop multi-tier applications.

• determine and Analyze Enterprise applications.


1. the whole Reference Java, eighth edition, Herbert Schildt, TMH.

2. Programming in JAVA, Sachin Malhotra, SaurabhChoudary, Oxford.

3. Introduction to java programming, seventh edition by Y Daniel Liang, Pearson.


1. Swing: Introduction, JFrame, JApplet, JPanel, Componets in Swings, Layout Managers in a pair of. Swings, JList and JScrollPane, Split Pane, JTabbedPane, JTree, JTable, Dialog Box.

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Industrial Engineering and Management Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Industrial Engineering and Management Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Industrial Engineering and Management

Course Objectives:

  1. To impart elementary data and ability sets needed within the engineering science and Engineering profession, that embody the power to use basic data of arithmetic, likelihood and statistics, and therefore the domain data of commercial Management and Engineering
  2. To provide graduates with the power to adopt a system approach to style, develop, implement and introduce integrated systems that embody folks, materials, info, instrumentality and energy.
  3. To alter students to grasp the interactions between engineering, business, technological and environmental spheres within the trendy society.
  4. To alter students to grasp their role as engineers and their impact to society at the national and world context.


INTRODUCTION: Definition of commercial engineering (I.E), development, applications, role of associate industrial engineer, variations between production management and technology, quantitative tools of that is and productivity mensuration. ideas of management, importance, functions of management, scientific management, Taylor’s principles, theory X and theory Y, Fayol’s principles of management.


PLANT LAYOUT: Factors governing plant location, forms of production layouts, blessings and downsides of method layout and merchandise layout, applications, quantitative techniques for optimum style of layouts, plant maintenance, preventive and breakdown maintenance.


OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: Importance, forms of production, applications, workstudy, methodology study and examination, work sampling, PMTS, micro-motion study, rating techniques, MTM, work issue system, principles of engineering, flow method charts, string diagrams and Therbligs,


applied math QUALITY CONTROL: internal control, its importance, SQC, attribute sampling review with single and double sampling, management charts – X and R – charts X AND S charts and their applications, numerical examples.

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: zero defect construct, quality circles, implementation, applications, ISO quality systems. six letter of the alphabet – definition, basic ideas


RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: construct of human resource management, personnel management and industrial relations, functions of personnel management, Job-evaluation, its importance and kinds, benefit rating, quantitative ways, wage incentive plans, types.
II Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3


worth ANALYSIS: worth engineering, implementation procedure, enterprise resource designing and provide chain management. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: saucy, CPM – variations & applications, essential path, determination of floats, importance, project flaming, smoothing and numerical examples.


  1. technology and management / O.P Khanna/Khanna Publishers. 2. technology and Production Management/Martand Telsang/S.Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi Reference Books:
  2. engineering science / Bhattacharya DK/Vikas publishers a pair of. Operations Management / J.G Monks/McGrawHill Publishers. 3. technology and Management Science/ T. R. Banga, S. C. Sharma, N. K. Agarwal/Khanna Publishers four. Principles of Management /Koontz O’ Donnel/McGraw Hill Publishers. 5. applied math internal control /Gupta/Khanna Publishers half-dozen. technology and Management /NVS Raju/Cengage Publishers
    Course outcome:
    Upon self-made completion of this course you ought to be in a position to:
  3. style and conduct experiments, analyse, interpret information and synthesize valid conclusions
  4. style a system, component, or process, and synthesize solutions to realize desired wants
  5. Use the techniques, skills, and trendy engineering tools necessary for engineering follow with acceptable concerns for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental constraints
  6. operate effectively at intervals multi-disciplinary groups and perceive the elemental precepts of effective project management