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This course introduces the ideas of semi-conductor physics and operation of assorted semi-conductor devices. Realization of rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators victimization semi-conductor devices and their analysis is additionally introduced during this course.


Objective: to find out the fundamentals of semiconductor physics.

Review of Semi Conductor Physics: Insulators, Semi conductors, and Metals classification victimization Energy Band Diagrams, quality and physical phenomenon, Electrons and holes in Intrinsic Semi conductors, unessential Semi Conductor, (P and N sort semiconductor) Hall result, Generation and Recombination of Charges, Diffusion, Continuity Equation, Injected Minority Carriers, Law of Junction, Introduction to fermi level in Intrinsic, unessential semi conductors with necessary arithmetic


Students area unit able to perceive the fundamental ideas of semiconductor physics, that area unit helpful to grasp the operation of diodes and transistors.


Objective: to review the development details, operation and characteristics of assorted semiconductor diodes.

Junction Diode Characteristics Operation and characteristics of contact diode. Current elements in p-n diode, diode equation. Temperature dependence on V–I characteristic, diffusion capacitance and diode resistance (static and dynamic), energy band diagram of p-n diode. Special Diodes: Avalanche and Zener break down, Zener characteristics, tunnel diode, characteristics with the assistance of energy band diagrams, Varactor diode, LED, PIN diode, picture diode

Outcome: Students area unit able to justify the operation and characteristics of PN junction diode and special diodes.


Objective: to grasp the operation and analysis of rectifiers with and while not filters. more study the operation of series and shunt regulators victimization zener diodes.

Rectifiers and Regulators wave rectifier, ripple issue, full wave rectifier (with and while not transformer), harmonic elements during a rectifier circuit, electrical device filter, electrical condenser filter, L-section filter, Π- section filter, and comparison of assorted filter circuits in terms of ripple factors. straightforward circuit of a regulator victimization Zener diode. varieties of regulators-series and shunt voltage regulators, over load voltage protection.

Outcome: Ability to grasp operation and style aspects of rectifiers and regulators.


Objective: to review the characteristics of various bipolar junction transistors and their biasing stabilization and compensation techniques. to investigate junction transistor amplifiers victimization hparameters.

Transistors electronic transistor, junction transistor current elements, junction transistor as Associate in Nursing electronic equipment and switch. Characteristics of junction transistor (CE, CB and CC configurations). junction transistor biasing and thermal stabilization (to mounted bias, collector to base bias, self bias). Compensation against variation in base electrode voltage and collector current. Thermal runaway. Hybrid model of junction transistor. Analysis of junction transistor electronic equipment victimization h-parameters

Outcome: Students area unit able to perceive the characteristics of assorted junction transistor configurations. They become accustomed to completely different biasing, stabilization and compensation techniques utilized in junction transistor circuits.

Unit- V:

Objective: to grasp the fundamentals of junction transistor,Thyristors, Power IGBTs and Power MOSFETs.

Power semiconductor devices Principle of operation and characteristics of Thyristors, chemical element management rectifiers, power IGBT and power MOSFET their ratings. Comparison of power devices. FET: JFET Characteristics (Qualitative explanation), MOFET Characteristics–static and Transfer (enhancement and depletion mode), low frequency model of junction transistor, junction transistor as Associate in Nursing electronic equipment.


Students area unit able to perceive the operation and characteristics of junction transistor, Thyristors, Power IGBTs and Power MOSFETs.

Unit VI :

Objective: to grasp the ideas of positive and negative feedbacks and their role in amplifiers and oscillators.

Amplifiers and oscillators Feedback Amplifiers -classification, feedback idea, transfer gain and general characteristics of feedback amplifiers, result of feedback on input and output resistances. strategies of study of feedback amplifiers. Power Amplifiers – Classification, push-pull amplifiers, Introduction to harmonics (distortion issue. Oscillators – Condition for oscillation, RC-phase shift generator. Wein bridge generator, Crystal generator. Frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators.


Students area unit able to understand the deserves and demerits of positive and feedback and also the role of feedback in oscillators and amplifiers.


one. Electronic Devices and Circuits – J. Millman, C.C. Halkias, Tata Mc-Graw Hill


one. Electronic Devices and Circuits by David A. Bell, university Press

two. Electronic Devices and Circuits – Salivahanan, Kumar, Vallavaraj, TATA handler Hill, Second Edition

three. Electronic Devices and Circuits – R.L. Boylestad and Joseph Louis Barrow Nashelsky, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 9thEdition, 2006