Digital Communications Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 3-1
Digital Communications
PULSE DIGITAL MODULATION: components of electronic communication systems, blessings of electronic communication systems, components of PCM: Sampling, quantisation , quantisation error, Companding in PCM systems. Differential PCM systems (DPCM). Delta modulation, its draw backs, adaptive delta modulation, comparison of PCM and DM systems, noise in PCM and DM systems.
information TRANSMISSION : Base band signal receiver, likelihood of error, the optimum filter, matched filter, likelihood of error victimisation matched filter, coherent reception, non-coherent detection of FSK, calculation of error likelihood of raise, BPSK, BFSK,QPSK.
info THEORY: separate messages, idea of quantity of data and its properties. Average info, Entropy and its properties. info rate, Mutual info and its properties.
supply CODING: Introductions, Advantages, Shannon’s theorem, Shanon-Fano committal to writing, Huffman committal to writing, potency calculations, data rate of separate and analog Channels, capability of a mathematician channel, information measure –S/N trade off.
LINEAR BLOCK CODES: Introduction, Matrix description of Linear Block codes, Error detection and error correction capabilities of Linear block codes, playing codes, Binary cyclic codes, algebraical structure, encoding, syndrome calculation, BCH Codes. CONVOLUTION CODES: Introduction, cryptography of convolution codes, time domain approach, rework domain approach. Graphical approach: state, tree and trellis diagram cryptography victimisation Viterbi rule.
- Digital communications – Simon Haykin, John Wiley, 2005
- Principles of Communication Systems – H. Taub and D. Schilling, TMH, 2003
REFERENCES: - Digital and Analog Communication Systems – surface-to-air missile Shanmugam, John Wiley, 2005.
- Digital Communications – John Proakis, TMH, 1983. Communication Systems Analog & Digital – Singh & Sapre, TMH, 2004. 3. trendy Analog and electronic communication – B.P.Lathi, Oxford reprint, third edition, 2004.
III Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3
Students undergoing this course ar expected to:
Course Objectives:
1.Understand totally different pulse digital modulation techniques and their comparision a pair of.Familiarize numerous digital modulation techniques and calculation of their error possibilities three. perceive the idea of entropy and totally different supply committal to writing techniques four. Familirize with block codes, cyclic codes and convolutional codes
Course Outcomes:
once undergoing the course students are going to be ready to:
one. confirm the performance of various wave form committal to writing techniques for the generation and digital illustration of the signals.
2. confirm the likelihood of error for numerous digital modulation schemes
three. Analyze totally different supply committal to writing techniques
four. reckon and analyze totally different error management committal to writing schemes for the reliable transmission of digital info over the channel.

Design of Machine Members -I Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2
Design of Machine Members -I
Course Objectives:
- the coed shall gain appreciation and understanding of the planning perform in applied science, the steps concerned in coming up with and therefore the relation of style activity with producing activity a pair of. choice of correct materials to completely different machine parts supported their physical and mechanical properties. 3. Learn and understanding of the various kinds of failure modes and criteria. 4. Procedure for the various machine parts like fasteners, shafts, couplings, keys, axially loaded joints etc.
INTRODUCTION: General issues within the style of Engineering Materials and their properties – choice –Manufacturing thought in style, tolerances and fits –BIS codes of steels.
STRESSES IN MACHINE MEMBERS: easy stresses – combined stresses – torsional and bending stresses – impact stresses – stress strain relation – numerous theories of failure – issue of safety – style for strength and rigidity – most popular numbers. the idea of stiffness in tension, bending, torsion and combined things – static strength style supported fracture toughness.
STRENGTH OF MACHINE ELEMENTS: Stress concentration – theoretical stress concentration issue – fatigue stress concentration issue notch sensitivity – style for unsteady stresses – endurance limit – estimation of endurance strength – Goodman’s line – Soderberg’s line – changed Goodman’s line.
Riveted and welded joints – style of joints with initial stresses – eccentric loading.
Bolted joints – style of bolts with pre-stresses – style of joints below eccentric loading – protection devices – each of uniform strength, completely different seals.
KEYS, COTTERS AND KNUCKLE JOINTS: style of keys-stresses in keys-cotter joints-spigot and socket, sleeve and cotter, jib and cotter joints- knuckle joints.
SHAFTS: style of solid and hollow shafts for strength and rigidity – style of shafts for combined bending and axial hundreds – shaft sizes – BIS code. Use of internal and external circlips, gaskets and seals (stationary & rotary).
SHAFT COUPLING: Rigid couplings – muff, split muff and rim couplings, versatile couplings – rim coupling (modified).
II Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3
Stresses and deflections of whorled springs – extension -compression springs – springs for fatigue loading, energy storage capability – whorled torsion springs – co-axial springs, leaf springs.
Note: style knowledge book isn’t allowable for examination
Text Books:
- Machine Design/V.Bandari/ TMH Publishers a pair of. Machine style / Old North State Pandya Shah/Charotar publishing firm Pvt. restricted three. style knowledge book of Engineers-
- style of Machine parts / V.M. Faires/McMillan
- Machine style / Schaum Series/McGrawHill skilled
- Machine Design/ Shigley, J.E/McGraw Hill.
- style knowledge handbook/ K.Mahadevan & K. Balaveera Reddy/ CBS publishers.
- style of machine elements-Spotts/Pearson Publications half-dozen. Machine style –Norton/ Pearson publishers
Course outcomes:
Upon thriving completion of this course student ought to be ready to:
- Apply the planning procedure to engineering issues, together with the thought of technical and producing constraints.
- choose appropriate materials and significance of tolerances and fits in vital style applications.
- Utilize style knowledge hand book and style the weather for strength, stiffness and fatigue.
- determine the masses, the machine members subjected and calculate static and dynamic stresses to confirm safe style.

Database Management Systems Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 CSE 3-1
Database Management Systems
• to find out the principles of consistently planning and mistreatment massive scale info
Management Systems for varied applications.
an summary of management, Introduction- what’s info System- what’s knowledgebase-Why Database- Data Independence- Relation Systems and Others- outline, info system design, Introduction- The 3 Levels of design-The External Level- the abstract Level- the interior Level- Mapping- the info Administrator-The management Systems- Client/Server Architecture.
The E/R Models, The relative Model, relative Calculus, Introduction to info style, info style and Er Diagrams-Entities Attributes, and Entity Sets-Relationship and Relationship Sets-Conceptual style With the Er Models, The relative Model Integrity Constraints Over Relations- Key Constraints –Foreign Key Constraints-General Constraints, relative pure mathematics and Calculus, relative Algebra- choice and Projection- Set Operation, Renaming – Joins- Division- a lot of samples of Queries, relative Calculus, Tuple relative Calculus- Domain relative Calculus.
Queries, Constraints, Triggers: the shape of Basic SQL question, Union, Intersect, and Except, Nested Queries, combination Operators, Null Values, complicated Integrity Constraints in SQL, Triggers and Active info.
Schema Refinement (Normalization) : Purpose of normalisation or schema refinement, construct of practical dependency, traditional forms supported practical dependency(1NF, 2NF and three NF), construct of surrogate key, Boyce-codd traditional form(BCNF), lossless be a part of and dependency conserving decomposition, Fourth traditional form(4NF).
III Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3
dealing Management and Concurrency Control:
Transaction, properties of transactions, dealing log, and dealing management with SQL mistreatment commit rollback and save purpose.
Concurrency management for lost updates, uncommitted knowledge, inconsistent retrievals and therefore the hardware. Concurrency management with protection ways : lock graininess, lock types, 2 section protection for making certain serializability, deadlocks, Concurrency management with time stamp ordering : Wait/Die and Wound/Wait Schemes, info Recovery management : dealing recovery.
summary of Storages and assortment, knowledge on External Storage- File Organization and assortment – Clustered assortment – Primary and Secondary Indexes, Index knowledge Structures, Hash-Based assortment – Tree-Based assortment, Comparison of File Organization
• Describe a on-line database and electronic database.
• Create, maintain and manipulate a {relational info|electronic database|on-line database|computer database|electronic information service} mistreatment SQL
• Describe ER model and normalisation for database style.
• Examine problems in knowledge storage and question process and might formulate applicable solutions.
• perceive the role and problems in management of knowledge like potency, privacy, security, moral responsibility, and strategic advantage. • style and build info system for a given universe drawback
one. Introduction to info Systems, CJ Date, Pearson
2. knowledge base Management Systems, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, TATA John McGraw Hill third Edition
three. info Systems – the entire Book, H G Molina, J D Ullman, J Widom Pearson
one. knowledge base Systems style, Implementation, and Management, Peter Rob Coronel seventh Edition.
2. Fundamentals of info Systems, Elmasri Navrate Pearson Education three. Introduction to info Systems, C.J.Date Pearson Education
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Data Structures Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-2 ECE
Data Structures
• To be accustomed to basic techniques handling issues with knowledge structures • Solve issues exploitation knowledge structures like linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables
ARRAYS Abstract knowledge sort, The Array as associate Abstract knowledge sort, The Polynomial Abstract knowledge type-Polynomial Representation- Polynomial Addition. Spares Matrices, Introduction- distributed Matrix Representation- Transposing a Matrix- matrix operation, illustration of Arrays.
STACKS AND QUEUES The Stack Abstract knowledge sort, The Queue Abstract knowledge sort, analysis of Expressions, Expression- ending Notation- Infix to ending.
joined LISTS Single joined List and Chains, Circular Lists, on the market area Lists, joined Stacks and Queues, Polynomials, Polynomial illustration- Adding Polynomials- Circular List Representation of Polynomials, Equivalence categories, distributed Matrices, distributed Matrix Representation- distributed Matrix Input- Deleting a distributed Matrix, Doubly joined Lists, Generalized Lists, illustration of Generalized Lists- algorithmic Algorithms for Lists- Reference Counts, Shared and algorithmic Lists
TREES illustration of Trees, Binary Trees, The Abstract knowledge sort, Properties of Binary coiffure, Binary Tree Representations, Binary Tree Traversal, Introduction, Inorder Traversal Preorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal, Thread Binary Trees, Threads, Inorder Traversal of a rib Binary Tree, Inserting a Node into a rib Binary Tree, Heaps, Priority Queues, Definition of a liquid ecstasy Heap, Insertion into a liquid ecstasy Heap, Deletion from a liquid ecstasy Heap, Binary Search Trees, Definition, looking a Binary Search Tree, Insertion into a Binary Search Tree, Deletion from a Binary Search Tree, Height of Binary Search Tree.
GRAPHS The Graph Abstract knowledge sort, Introduction, Definition, Graph illustration, Elementary Graph Operation, Depth 1st Search, Breadth 1st Search, Connected elements, Spanning Trees, Biconnected elements, Minimum value Spanning Trees, Kruskal S algorithmic program, Prim s algorithmic program, Sollin’s algorithmic program, Shortest ways and transitive Closure, Single Source/All Destination: plus Edge value, Single Source/All Destination: General Weights, All-Pairs Shortest Path, transitive Closure.
I Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3
SORTING Insertion type, Quick Sort, Merge type Merging, reiterative Merge type, algorithmic Merge type, Heap Sort, outline of Internal Sorting
• Apply advanced organisation ways for exploring complicated knowledge structures.
• Compare and distinction numerous knowledge structures and style techniques within the space Of Performance.
• Implement all knowledge structures like stacks, queues, trees, lists and graphs and compare their Performance and trade offs
Text Books:
- knowledge structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, S.Sahni, University Press (India) Pvt.Ltd, second edition, Universities Press Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.
- knowledge structures and algorithmic program Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education. Ltd., Second Edition.
- knowledge structures and algorithms in C++, third Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson
Reference Books:
- knowledge structures and algorithmic program Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson Education. Ltd., Second Edition.
- knowledge structures exploitation C and C++, Langsam, Augenstein and Tanenbaum, PHI.
- downside finding with C++, The OOP, Fourth edition, W.Savitch, Pearson education.
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Control Systems Lecture notes Jntuk R16 EEE 2-2
Control Systems
JntukMaterials is paid lecture notes provider for students.Here you can download any material of different branches.
Here You can Download Control Systems for EEE Jntuk R16 Students of 2-2.