Engineering Physics Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 Civil,Mechanical 1-2
Engineering Physics
Physics syllabus that is re-oriented to the requirements of Circuital branches of graduate engineering courses offered by JNTUniv. KKD. that is a transit to know the branch specific advanced topics. The courses ar designed to: • Impart ideas of Optical Interference, optical phenomenon and Polarization needed to style instruments with higher resolution – ideas of coherent sources, its realization and utility optical instrumentation. • Study the Structure-property relationship exhibited by solid crystal materials for his or her utility. • faucet the straightforward periodic motion and its ability for improved acoustic quality of concert halls. • To explore the atomic energy as a reliable supply needed to run industries • To impart the information of materials with characteristic utility in appliances.
Principle of Superposition – Coherent Sources – Interference in skinny films (reflection geometry) – Newton’s rings – construction and bedrock of measuring instruments.
Fraunhofer optical phenomenon at single slit cases of double slit, N-slits & Circular Aperture (Qualitative treatment only)-Grating equation – physical phenomenon of a grating, Telescope and Microscopes.
sorts of Polarization-production – optical device -Quarter wave plate and Wave plate – rule of optical device (Sacharimeter) LASERS: Characteristics– excited emission – Einstein’s Transition Probabilities- Pumping schemes – Ruby optical maser – atomic number 2 Ne optical maser.
Reverberation time – Sabine’s formula – Acoustics of concert-hall. ULTRASONICS: Production – unhearable transducers- Non-Destructive Testing –Applications.
UNIT-V physical science & X-RAY DIFFRACTION:
Basis and lattice – Bravais systems- Symmetry elements- Unit cell- packing fraction – coordination number- Miller indices – Separation between consecutive (h k l) planes – Bragg’s law. atomic energy – supply OF POWER: mass – Fusion and Fission as sources – quick stock breeder Reactors.
Classification supported Field, Temperature and order/disorder –atomic origin – Ferromagnetism- Hysteresis- applications of magnetic materials (Para &Ferro) DIELECTRICS: electrical Polarization – Dielectrics in DC and AC fields – Internal field – Clausius Mossoti Equation – Loss, Breakdown and strength of nonconductor materials – Ferroelectric physical phenomenon and applications.
I Year – II Semester
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Construction and dealing details of instruments, ie., Interferometer, Diffractometer and optical device ar learnt. Study Acoustics, physical science magnetic and nonconductor materials enhances the utility aspects of materials.
Text Books:
1. A Text book of Engineering Physics – by Dr. M.N.Avadhanulu and Dr.P.G.Kshirasagar, S.Chand & Company Ltd., (2014)
2. Physics for Engineers by M.R.Srinasan, New Age international publishers (2009)
3. Engineering Physics by D.K.Bhattacharya and Poonam Tandon , Oxford press (2015)
Reference books:
1. Applied Physics by P.K.Palanisamy , Scitech publications (2014) a pair of. Lasers and Non-Linear optics by B.B.Laud , Newage international publishers (2008)