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Production Technology Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Production Technology Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-2

Production Technology

Course Objective:

To impart basic data and understanding regarding the first producing processes like casting, joining, bulk forming, flat solid forming and metallurgy and their connection in current producing industry; To introduce process strategies of plastics.


CASTING : Steps concerned in creating a casting – Advantage of casting and its applications. – Patterns and Pattern creating – sorts of patterns – Materials used for patterns, pattern allowances and their construction, Principles of Gating, Gating magnitude relation and style of Gating systems


Methods of melting and kinds of furnaces, activity of castings, activity of pure metals and alloys, short & long temperature reduction vary alloys. Risers – varieties, perform and style, casting style issues, Basic principles and applications of Centrifugal casting, Die casting and Investment casting.


Welding : Classification of attachment processes, sorts of welded joints and their characteristics, Gas attachment, differing types of flames and uses, Oxy – ethyne Gas cutting. Basic principles of Arc attachment, Manual metal arc attachment, Submerged arc attachment, chemical element attachment- TIG & MIG welding.


Resistance attachment, Solid state attachment processes- Friction attachment, Friction stir attachment, Forge attachment, Explosive attachment; Thermit welding, Plasma attachment, optical device attachment, electromagnetic radiation attachment, fastening & Brazing.
Heat affected zones in welding; pre & post heating, Weldability of metals, attachment defects – causes and remedies – damaging and non damaging testing of welds, style of welded joints.


Plastic deformation in metals and alloys, Hot operating and Cold operating, Strain hardening and hardening. Bulk forming processes: formation – varieties formation, Smith formation, Drop formation, Roll formation, formation hammers, Rotary formation, formation defects; Rolling – fundamentals, sorts of rolling mills and product, Forces in rolling and power necessities. Extrusion and its characteristics. sorts of extrusion, Impact extrusion, hydrostatic extrusion; Wire drawing and Tube drawing.
Introduction to metallurgy – compaction and sintering, benefits and applications

II Year – II Semester
4 0 0 3


Sheet metal forming – Blanking and piercing, Forces and power demand in these operations, Deep drawing, Stretch forming, Bending, Spring back and its remedies, Coining, Spinning, sorts of presses and press tools.
High energy rate forming processes: Principles of explosive forming, magnetism forming, Electro hydraulic forming, rubber pad forming, benefits and limitations.
Processing of Plastics: sorts of Plastics, Properties, Applications and their process strategies, Blow and Injection moulding.

Text Books:

  1. producing Processes for Engineering Materials – Kalpakjain S and Steven R Schmid- Pearson Publ , 5th Edn.
  2. producing Technology -Vol I- P.N. Rao- TMH

References :

  1. producing Science – A.Ghosh & A.K.Malik – East West Press Pvt. Ltd
  2. method and materials of manufacture- Lindberg- letter of the alphabet
  3. Production Technology- R.K. Jain- Khanna
  4. Production Technology-P C Sharma-S. Chand
  5. producing Processes- H.S. Shaun- Pearson
  6. producing Processes- J.P. Kaushish- letter of the alphabet
  7. Workshop Technology /WAJ Chapman/CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.Ltd.
    Course out comes: At the top of the course the scholar shall be ready to:
  8. style patterns, Gating, runner and riser systems a pair of. choose an acceptable casting method supported the element three. Learn varied arc and solid state attachment methodes and choose an acceptable process supported the appliance and necessities four. perceive varied bulk deformation processes five. perceive varied flat solid forming and process of plastics
Operating Systems(OS) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 CSE 3-1

Operating Systems(OS) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 CSE 3-1



• Study the essential ideas and functions of operative systems.

• perceive the structure and functions of OS.

• study Processes, Threads and programming algorithms. • perceive the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks.

• Learn varied memory management schemes.

• Study I/O management and File systems.

• Learn the fundamentals of UNIX operating system system and perform body tasks on UNIX operating system Servers.


Introduction to software package Concept: kinds of operative systems, operative systems ideas, operative systems services, Introduction to supervisor call instruction, supervisor call instruction sorts.


method Management – method conception, the method, method State Diagram , method management block, method programming- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Operations on Processes, Interprocess Communication, Threading problems, Scheduling-Basic ideas, programming Criteria, programming Algorithms.


Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, structure of the Page Table, Segmentation memory board Management: memory board, Demand Paging, Page-Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing


Concurrency: ProcessSynchronization, The Critical- Section downside, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic issues of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization examples Principles of impasse – System Model, impasse Characterization, impasse bar, Detection and shunning, Recovery type impasse

III Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3


filing system Interface- the conception of a file, Access ways, Directory structure, filing system mounting, file sharing, protection. filing system implementation- filing system structure, allocation ways, free-space management Mass-storage structure summary of Mass-storage structure, Disk programming, Device drivers,


Linux System: elements of UNIX operating system, Interprocess Communication, Synchronisation, Interrupt, Exception and supervisor call instruction.

Android software package Platform: mechanical man design, software package Services, mechanical man Runtime Application Development, Application Structure, Application method management


• style varied programming algorithms.
• Apply the principles of concurrency.
• style impasse, bar and shunning algorithms.
• Compare and distinction varied memory management schemes.
• style and Implement a image file systems.
• Perform body tasks on UNIX operating system Servers
• Introduction to mechanical man software package Internals


  1. software package ideas, Ibrahim Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne ninth Edition, John Wiley and Sons opposition., 2012. 2.Operating Systems – Internals and style Principles, William Stallings, seventh Edition, initiate Hall, 2011.
  2. operative Systems-S Halder, Alex A Aravind Pearson Education Second Edition 2016 .


  1. fashionable operative Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2001. 2. operative Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, Charles Crowley, Tata megahertz Graw Hill Education”, 1996. 3. operative Systems: A Concept-Based Approach, D M Dhamdhere, Second Edition, Tata megahertz Graw-Hill Education, 2007
OOAD Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 For CSE,IT

OOAD Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 For CSE,IT

Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML


• to know a way to solve complicated issues

• Analyze and style solutions to issues victimisation object minded approach • Study the notations of Unified Modeling Language


Introduction: The Structure of complicated systems, The Inherent complexness of software package, Attributes of complicated System, Organized and disorganised complexness, transportation Order to Chaos, coming up with complicated Systems, Evolution of Object Model, Foundation of Object Model, components of Object Model, Applying the thing Model.


categories and Objects: Nature of object, Relationships among objects, Nature of a category, Relationship among categories, interaction of categories and Objects, characteristic categories and Objects, Importance of correct Classification, characteristic categories and Objects, Key abstractions and Mechanisms.


Introduction to UML: Why we tend to model, abstract model of UML, design, Classes, Relationships, Common Mechanisms, category diagrams, Object diagrams.


Basic activity Modeling: Interactions, Interaction diagrams, Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams.


Advanced activity Modeling: Events and signals, state machines, processes and Threads, time and house, state chart diagrams.


field Modeling: element, Deployment, element diagrams and preparation diagrams. Case Study: The Unified Library application.


• Ability to seek out solutions to the complicated issues victimisation object minded approach

• Represent categories, responsibilities and states victimisation UML notation

• determine categories and responsibilities of the matter domain

III Year – I Semester
4 0 0 3


one. “Object- minded Analysis and style with Applications”, Grady BOOCH, Robert A. Maksimchuk, Michael W. ENGLE, Bobbi J. Young, Jim Conallen, Kellia Houston, third edition, 2013, PEARSON.

2. “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, twelfth Impression, 2012, PEARSON.


one. “Object-oriented analysis and style victimisation UML”, Mahesh P. Matha, PHI

  1. “Head 1st object-oriented analysis and design”, Brett D. McLaughlin, city Pollice, Dave West, O‟Reilly three. “Object-oriented analysis and style with the Unified process”, John W. Satzinger,Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd, Cengage Learning
  2. “The Unified modeling language Reference manual”, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, Addison-Wesley