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Mechanics of Solids Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-1

Mechanics of Solids Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 MECH 2-1

Mechanics of Solids

Common to Mechanical, natural philosophy & Automobile Engineering.


the scholars finishing this course area unit expected to know the fundamental terms like stress, strain, poissons ratio…etc and totally different stresses evoked in beams, skinny cylinders, thick cylinders, columns. Further, the coed shall be ready to perceive the shear stresses in circular shafts.


Objective: once learning this unit student can recognize the fundamental terms like stress, strain poissons ratio…etc and stresses in bars of variable cross sections, composite bars, thermal stress in members, stresses on inclined planes with analytical approach and graphical approach, strain energy underneath totally different loadings and additionally drawback determination techniques. easy STRESSES & STRAINS : snap and physical property – forms of stresses & strains–Hooke’s law – stress – strain diagram for low-carbon steel – operating stress – issue of safety – Lateral strain, Poisson’s magnitude relation strain – Bars of variable section – composite bars – Temperature stresses- complicated Stresses – Stresses on AN simple machine underneath totally different uniaxial and biaxate stress conditions – Principal planes and principal stresses – Mohr’s circle – Relation between elastic constants, Strain energy – Resilience – Gradual, sudden, impact and shock loadings.


Objective: once learning this unit students can recognize the development of shear force diagrams and bending moment diagrams to the various hundreds for the various support arrangements and additionally drawback determination techniques. SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT : Definition of beam – forms of beams – conception of shear force and bending moment – S.F and B.M diagrams for cantilever, merely supported and overhanging beams subjected to purpose hundreds, u.d.l, uniformly variable hundreds and combination of those hundreds – purpose of contra flexure – Relation between S.F., B.M, and rate of loading at a district of a beam.


Objective: once learning this unit students can recognize the bending and shear stress evoked within the beams that area unit created with totally different cross sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T angle sections and additionally drawback determination techniques. FLEXURAL STRESSES : Theory of easy bending – Assumptions – Derivation of bending equation: M/ I = f/y = E/R Neutral axis – Determination bending stresses – section modulus of rectangular and circular sections (Solid and Hollow), I,T, Angle and Channel sections – style of easy beam sections. SHEAR STRESSES: Derivation of formula – Shear stress distribution across varied beams sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T angle sections.
II Year – I Semester
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Objective: once learning this unit students can knowledge to finding slope and deflection for various support arrangements by Double integration methodology, Macaulay’s methodology and Moment-Area and additionally drawback determination techniques. DEFLECTION OF BEAMS: Bending into a circular arc – slope, deflection and radius of curvature – equation for the elastic line of a beam – Double integration and Macaulay’s ways – Determination of slope and deflection for cantilever and easily supported beams subjected to purpose hundreds, – U.D.L uniformly variable load. Mohr’s theorems – Moment space methodology – application to easy cases as well as overhanging beams, Statically Indeterminate Beams and answer ways.


Objective: once learning this unit student can knowledge a cylinder fails, what reasonably stresses evoked in cylinders subjected to internal, external pressures and additionally drawback determination techniques. skinny CYLINDERS: skinny seamless cylindrical shells – Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses – hoop, longitudinal and meter strains – changes in DIA, and volume of skinny cylinders – Riveted boiler shells – skinny spherical shells. THICK CYLINDERS: –lame’s equation – cylinders subjected to within & outside pressures –compound cylinders.


Objective: once learning this unit student can recognize shear stresses evoked in circular shafts, discussing columns in stability purpose of read and columns with totally different finish conditions. TORSION: Introduction-Derivation- Torsion of Circular shafts- Pure Shear-Transmission of power by circular shafts, Shafts serial, Shafts in parallel. COLUMNS: Buckling and Stability, Columns with stapled ends, Columns with alternative support Conditions, Limitations of Euler’s Formula, Rankine’s Formula,

Text Books:

  1. Strength of materials /GH Ryder/ Mc Millan publishers India Ltd
  2. Solid Mechanics, by Popov
  3. Mechanics of Materials/Gere and Timoshenko, CBS Publishers
  4. References :
  5. Strength of Materials -By Jindal, Umesh Publications.
  6. Analysis of structures by Vazirani and Ratwani.
  7. Mechanics of Structures Vol-III, by S.B.Junnarkar.
  8. Strength of Materials by S.Timoshenko
  9. Strength of Materials by St. Andrew Pytel and Ferdinond L. Singer Longman.
Mathematics – III(M3) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-2

Mathematics – III(M3) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-2

Mathematics – III

Course Objectives:

1. The course is meant to equip the scholars with the mandatory mathematical skills associated techniques that ar essential for an engineering course.

2. the abilities derived from the course can facilitate the coed from a necessary base to develop analytic and style ideas.

3. perceive the foremost basic numerical ways to resolve cooccurring linear equations.

Course Outcomes:

At the tip of the Course, Student are in a position to:

1. verify rank, Manfred Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors of a given matrix and solve cooccurring linear equations.

2. Solve cooccurring linear equations numerically mistreatment numerous matrix ways.

3. verify double integral over a vicinity and triple integral over a volume.

4. Calculate gradient of a scalar perform, divergence and curl of a vector perform. verify line, surface and volume integrals. Apply inexperienced, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems to calculate line, surface and volume integrals.

UNIT I: Linear systems of equations:

Rank-Echelon kind-Normal form – resolution of linear systems – Gauss elimination – Gauss Jordon- Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidal ways.Applications: Finding the present in electrical circuits.

UNIT II: {eigen|Eigen|Manfred Manfred Eigen|chemist} values – Eigen vectors and Quadratic forms:

Eigen values – {eigen|Eigen|Manfred Manfred Eigen|chemist} vectors– Properties – Cayley-Hamilton theorem – Inverse and powers of a matrix by mistreatment Cayley-Hamilton theorem- Diagonalization- Quadratic kinds- Reduction of quadratic kind to canonical form – Rank – Positive, negative and semi definite – Index – Signature. Applications: Free vibration of a two-mass system.

UNIT III: Multiple integrals:

Curve tracing: Cartesian, Polar and constant quantity forms. Multiple integrals: Double and triple integrals – modification of variables – modification of order of integration. Applications: Finding Areas and Volumes.

UNIT IV: Special functions:

Beta and Gamma functions- Properties – Relation between Beta and Gamma functions- analysis of improper integrals. Applications: analysis of integrals.

I Year – II Semester
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UNIT V: Vector Differentiation:

Gradient- Divergence- Curl – Laplacian and second order operators -Vector identities. Applications: Equation of continuity, potential surfaces

UNIT VI: Vector Integration:

Line integral – Work done – Potential perform – Area- Surface and volume integrals Vector integral theorems: Greens, Stokes and Gauss Divergence theorems (without proof) and connected issues. Applications: Work done, Force.

Text Books:

  1. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering arithmetic, forty third Edition, Khanna Publishers. 2. N.P.Bali, Engineering arithmetic, Hindu deity Publications.
    Reference Books:
  2. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, second edition, Pearson edn two. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, tenth Edition, Wiley-India three. Peter O’Neil, Advanced Engineering arithmetic,7th edition, Cengage Learning. 4. D.W. Jordan and T.Smith, Mathematical Techniques, Oxford University Press. 5. Srimanta Pal, Subodh C.Bhunia, Engineering arithmetic, Oxford University Press. 6. Dass H.K., Rajnish Verma. Er., Higher Engineering arithmetic, S. Chand Co. Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.
Mathematics – II (Mathematical Methods) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16

Mathematics – II (Mathematical Methods) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16

Mathematics – II (Mathematical Methods)

Course Objectives:

1. The course is intended to equip the scholars with the mandatory mathematical skills associate degreed techniques that area unit essential for an engineering course.

2. the abilities derived from the course can facilitate the coed from a necessary base to develop analytic and style ideas.

3. perceive the foremost basic numerical ways to resolve synchronal linear equations.

Course Outcomes:

At the tip of the Course, Student are in a position to: one. Calculate a root of algebraical and transcendental equations. make a case for relation between the finite distinction operators. 2. work out interpolating polynomial for the given information. 3. Solve standard differential equations numerically mistreatment Euler’s and RK methodology. 4. notice Fourier series and Fourier transforms surely functions. 5. Identify/classify and solve the various forms of partial differential equations.

UNIT I: resolution of algebraical and Transcendental Equations: Introduction- division methodology – methodology of false position – Iteration methodology – Newton-Raphson methodology (One variable and synchronal Equations).

UNIT II: Interpolation: Introduction- Errors in polynomial interpolation – Finite variations- Forward variations- Backward differences –Central differences – Symbolic relations and separation of symbols – variations of a polynomial-Newton’s formulae for interpolation – Interpolation with unequal intervals – Lagrange’s interpolation formula.

UNIT III: Numerical Integration and resolution of standard Differential equations: quadrilateral rule- Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule-Solution of standard differential equations by Taylor’s series-Picard’s methodology of ordered approximations-Euler’s methodology – Runge-Kutta methodology (second and fourth order).

UNIT IV: Fourier Series: Introduction- Periodic operates – Fourier series of -periodic function – Dirichlet’s conditions – Even and odd functions –Change of interval– Half-range sin and trigonometric function series.

UNIT V: Applications of PDE: methodology of separation of Variables- resolution of 1 dimensional Wave, Heat and twodimensional astronomer equation.

I Year – I Semester
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MATHEMATICS-II (Mathematical Methods)

UNIT VI: Fourier Transforms: Fourier integral theorem (without proof) – Fourier sin and trigonometric function integrals – sin and trigonometric function transforms – properties – inverse transforms – Finite Fourier transforms.

Text Books: one. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering arithmetic, forty third Edition, Khanna Publishers. 2. N.P.Bali, Engineering arithmetic, Lakshmi Publications.
Reference Books: one. Dean G. Duffy, Advanced engineering arithmetic with MATLAB, CRC Press two. V.Ravindranath and P.Vijayalakshmi, Mathematical ways, Himalaya business firm. 3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, tenth Edition, Wiley-India four. David Kincaid, Ward Cheney, Numerical Analysis-Mathematics of Scientific Computing, third Edition, Universities Press. 5. Srimanta Pal, Subodh C.Bhunia, Engineering arithmetic, Oxford Press. 6. Dass H.K., Rajnish Verma. Er., Higher Engineering arithmetic, S. Chand Co. Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.

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English – I (Updated)

Mathematics – I

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Engineering Drawing (Updated)

Mathematics -II (Numerical Methods and Complex Variables) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 1-1

Mathematics -II (Numerical Methods and Complex Variables) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 ECE 1-1

Mathematics -II (Numerical Methods and Complex Variables)


Answer of algebraical and Transcendental Equations: Introduction- division technique – technique of false position – Iteration technique – Newton-Raphson technique (One variable and coincident Equations).


Interpolation: Introduction- Errors in polynomial interpolation – Finite variations- Forward variations- Backward differences –Central differences – Symbolic relations and separation of symbols – variations of a polynomial-Newton’s formulae for interpolation – Interpolation with unequal intervals – Lagrange’s interpolation formula.


Numerical Integration and answer of normal Differential equations: quadrilateral rule- Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule-Solution of normal differential equations by Taylor’s series-Picard’s technique of serial approximations-Euler’s technique – Runge-Kutta technique (second and fourth order).


Functions of a fancy variable advanced operate , Real and imagined components of advanced operate, Limit, Continuity and by-product of advanced operate, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic operate, entire operate, singular purpose, conjugate operate, RC − equations in polar kind, Harmonic functions, Milne-Thomson technique, easy applications to flow issues,


Series growth and complicated Integration Line integral of a fancy operate, Cauchy’s theorem(only statement ) , Cauchy’s Integral Formula. completely oblique and uniformly oblique of series of advanced terms, Radius of convergence, Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series growth, Laurent’s series.


Singularities ANd Residue Theorem Zeros of an analytic operate, Singularity, Isolated singularity, Removable singularity, Essential singularity, pole of order m, easy pole, Residues, Residue theorem, Calculation of residues, Residue at a pole of order m, analysis of real definite integrals: Integration round the unit circle, Integration around semi circle, Indenting the contours having poles on the $64000 axis.

Text Books:

  1. B.S.GREWAL, Higher Engineering arithmetic, forty third Edition, Khanna Publishers. 2. N.P.Bali, Engineering arithmetic, Lakshmi Publications.
    Reference Books: one. DEAN G. DUFFY, Advanced engineering arithmetic with MATLAB, CRC Press a pair of. V.RAVINDRANATH and P.VIJAYALAKSHMI, Mathematical ways, Himalaya firm. 3. ERWIN KREYSZIG, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, tenth Edition, Wiley-India four. DAVID KINCAID, WARD CHENEY, Numerical Analysis-Mathematics of Scientific Computing, third Edition, Universities Press.
Mathematics – I(M1) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-1

Mathematics – I(M1) Lecture Notes Jntuk R16 1-1

Mathematics – I(M1)

Course Objectives:

1. The course is intended to equip the scholars with the mandatory mathematical skills Associate in Nursing d techniques that square measure essential for an engineering course. 2. the abilities derived from the course can facilitate the coed from a necessary base to develop analytic and style ideas.

Course Outcomes:

At the top of the Course, Student are ready to: one. Solve linear differential equations of initial, second and better order. 2. verify Laplace|Pierre Simon de Laplace|mathematician|astronomer|uranologist|stargazer}|Pierre Simon de Laplace|mathematician|astronomer|uranologist|stargazer} remodel and inverse Laplace remodel of varied functions and use Laplace transforms to work out general answer to linear lyric poem. 3. Calculate total spinoff, Jocobian and minima of functions of 2 variables.

UNIT I: Differential equations of initial order and initial degree: Linear-Bernoulli-Exact-Reducible to precise. Applications: Newton’s Law of cooling-Law of natural growth and decay-Orthogonal trajectories- Electrical circuits- Chemical reactions.

UNIT II: Linear differential equations of upper order: Non-homogeneous equations of upper order with constant coefficients with RHS term of the kind eax, sin ax, cos ax, polynomials in x, eax V(x), xV(x)- methodology of Variation of parameters. Applications: LCR circuit, straightforward periodic movement.

UNIT III: Laplace|Pierre Simon de Laplace|mathematician|astronomer|uranologist|stargazer}|Pierre Simon de Laplace|mathematician|astronomer|uranologist|stargazer} transforms: Laplace transforms of ordinary performs-Shifting theorems – Transforms of derivatives and integrals – Unit step function –Dirac’s delta function- Inverse Laplace transforms– Convolution theorem (with out proof). Applications: determination normal differential equations (initial price problems) mistreatment Pierre Simon de Laplace transforms.

UNIT IV: Partial differentiation: Introduction- solid function-Euler’s theorem-Total derivative-Chain rule-Generalized average theorem for single variable (without proof)-Taylor’s and MHz Laurent’s series growth of functions of 2 variables– purposeful dependence- Jacobian. Applications: Maxima and Minima of functions of 2 variables while not constraints and Lagrange’s methodology (with constraints).

UNIT V: initial order Partial differential equations: Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of absolute constants and absolute functions –solutions of initial order linear (Lagrange) equation and nonlinear (standard types) equations.

I Year – I Semester
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UNIT VI: Higher order Partial differential equations: Solutions of Linear Partial differential equations with constant coefficients. RHS term of the kind nmax by yxbyaxbyaxe ),cos(),sin(, ++ + . Classification of second order partial differential equations.
Text Books: one. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering arithmetic, forty third Edition, Khanna Publishers. 2. N.P.Bali, Engineering arithmetic, Hindu deity Publications.

Reference Books:

  1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, tenth Edition, Wiley-India two. Micheael Joseph Greenberg, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, ninth edition, Pearson edn three. Dean G. Duffy, Advanced engineering arithmetic with MATLAB, CRC Press four. Peter O’neil, Advanced Engineering arithmetic, Cengage Learning. 5. Srimanta Pal, Subodh C.Bhunia, Engineering arithmetic, Oxford University Press. 6. Dass H.K., Rajnish Verma. Er., Higher Engineering arithmetic, S. Chand Co. Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.

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Mathematics – II (Mathematical Methods)

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